April 16, 2018 marks the 11th annual National Healthcare Decision Day. This day exists to inspire, educate and empower people about the importance of advance care planning.
Advance Care Planning is making future healthcare decisions about the care you want to receive if you were unable to speak for yourself. These decisions are based on your personal values, preferences, and discussions with your loved ones. If you were in a situation where you could no longer communicate your wishes, who would speak for you? And would they know what your wishes are? These important choices should be discussed and communicated to family, friends and healthcare providers.
In honor of Healthcare Decision Day 2018, we encourage you to:
Have a Conversation
Having a conversation, openly and honestly, before a medical crisis happens puts everyone on the same page about what matters to you at the end of life. Making your wishes known in advance relieves your loved ones and healthcare providers from having to guess what you would want if you were ever to face a health care crisis.
Did you know? 90% of people say that talking with loved ones about end of life care is important, but only 27% have actually done so.
Complete Your Advance Directive
There are a variety of resources available to guide you in the completion of your advanced directive. One free option is through the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization. Click here to view downloadable PDFs forms for each state.
Did you know? 80% of people say that if seriously ill, they would want to talk to their doctor about wishes for medical treatment towards the end of their life; but only 7% report have had this conversation with their doctor.
Spread the word about Advance Care Planning
Help raise awareness on the importance of advance care planning. First and foremost, lead by example! After you have thoughtfully considered and made your own healthcare decisions known, share your experience with friends and family. Visit NHDD.org for ideas on ways to start the conversation with others.
Did you know? 60% of people say that making sure their family is not burdened by tough decisions is extremely important, but only 56% have communicated their end-of-life wishes.
For questions or to learn more about Assisted Home Health & Hospice and the services we offer, call 800-949-6555 or visit us at www.AssistedCares.com.