When it comes to supporting those on hospice, the expression “the more, the merrier” could not be more accurate. Assisted’s Residential Aide Program is an ideal way for hospice patients within facilities to get that added level of personal care. Working as a collaborative effort between Assisted and participating facilities, Residential Aide Program aides provide support to meet and exceed the day to day care needs of the patient. Assistance included activities of daily living, bathing, personal care, companionship and feeding assistance. Here are a few reasons to consider Assisted’s Residential Aide Program.
Added care to Promote Aging in Place
As seniors age, their ability to manage their personal care tasks diminish. Simple tasks like brushing one’s teeth, shaving, dressing, and bathing often become difficult to handle. Assisted’s Residential Aide Program helps fill in the gaps in self-care to promote aging in place within the facility. Assisted’s specially trained aides will discreetly help patients with showers, baths or bed baths as well as assistance with toileting and continence care.
Extra Eyes and Ears for a Facility
Hospice aides serve as not only as hands to help but also added eyes and ears within a facility. While spending time with the patient, the aide will report on changes in the patient’s condition so staff can address potential issues immediately.
Meaningful Care and Companionship for Residents
Often seniors who live alone can become depressed and withdrawn. Assisted staff provides additional comfort and companionship for those patients who may feel socially isolated. Studies show that isolated seniors who feel depressed are often less active and may experience elevated blood pressure among other ailments. Assisted RAP staff will provide an added level of social interaction in addition to facility staff to benefit the needs of the patient, caregiver, and the facility.
Improved Safety to Reduce Falls
Using Assisted’s RAP aides in addition to facility staff can reduce falls and unnecessary hospitalizations. Assisted provides continuing education and training for all field staff including our RAP aides. This advanced training ensures employees use proper techniques while caring for residents. Using correct transfer techniques, identifying environment tripping hazards and optimizing paths of movement are just a couple ways RAP aides can promote safety and prevent falls.
Promoting Healthy Eating and Preventing Weight Loss
Poor nutrition and weight loss is a common problem with seniors in residential care facilities. Research shows that when seniors receive individualized assistance at mealtime, they significantly increase their food intake. Assistance includes encouraging self-feeding and prompting cues. Choking hazards are also reduced considerably when individual assistance is provided.
To learn more about Assisted’s RAP or the other programs we offer, call 800-949-6555 or visit us at www.AssistedCares.com