Thousand Oaks lies just beyond the west edge of Los Angeles County. The population is 128,412 with 14.7% of that being 65 years and over. That means roughly 18,876 people are potentially going to need Home Care in Thousand Oaks. With the baby boomer generation reaching their geriatric years this number is only posed to rise. This is why local home health care companies will need to respond to the needs of the growing elderly segment.
The home care landscape is also changing in many ways. With the introduction of many services like Telehealth, which allows patients to monitor vitals while in their home, can help to reduce healthcare costs and identify potential emergencies earlier. These types of programs work by giving patients their own monitoring devices, such as blood pressure cuffs, scales, and pulse oximeters, which are used to check common indicators for health quality. Couple these readings with frequent communication with the patient and you have an affordable care route that is infused with excellent service.
Along with tighter regulation from the government and growing healthcare cost more innovations in the home care landscape will be needed. This is why the residents of Thousand Oaks along with the nation may see many changes to Home Care services and the healthcare field as a whole.
If you are a Thousand Oaks resident and need home care, hospice care, or caregiver services be sure to contact the award winning team at Assisted Healthcare Services, at (800) 949-6555 or www.assisted1.com. Assisted is always on the cutting edge of advances in the home care field and puts the needs of their patients first.