This year Parent’s Day falls on Sunday, July 26th. However, we think parents should be honored every day, not just once a year. And for many of us, it’s hard to admit that these important loved ones are getting older. They, too, may not want to admit how many things they once did for themselves have become more difficult. Understandably, many are reluctant to seek help, viewing it as a loss of independence.
It can be challenging to tell when you need to get assistance for your parents. Here are some of the warning signs that your parent could benefit from a Home Care professional.
They’re Becoming Forgetful
Becoming forgetful can be a typical sign of aging, but it can become dangerous very quickly. If your parent starts forgetting things too often, it can be a big problem for everything from remembering to take medicine and paying bills to remembering to turn off the stove.
In situations like these, having a caregiver present can ensure your parent stays safe. They handle daily tasks like cooking and cleaning and can help make sure they take their prescribed medication dosages at the right time. A caregiver can also make sure the bills get paid, preventing dangerous situations like utility shut-offs.
Their Medical Needs Are Increasing
Beyond merely remembering to take medicines, many seniors have increased medical needs that need managing. Patients living with chronic conditions such as CHF or COPD must monitor their symptoms regularly to recognize potential warning signs. Experienced in-home caregivers have the training and experience to recognize and identify symptoms and warning signs to prevent further illness or hospitalization.
They’re Losing Mobility
Losing mobility is often one of the most frustrating situations that your parents can face. Perhaps nothing else makes them feel as helpless and vulnerable. This is another situation in which having a caregiver can help.
A caregiver can help your parents to get around their home more easily. They can conduct safety assessments to identify and address risks within the home. Assessments may include rearranging furniture to remove fall hazards, eliminating clutter that can cause disorientation, recommend durable medical equipment to promote mobility and safety.
They Have More Difficulty with Basic Physical Needs
It can be embarrassing for your parents when they realize they need help with activities of daily living, such as using the restroom or bathing themselves. Trained caregivers will handle these situations respectfully while preserving your parents’ dignity.
To learn more about In-Home Care and how Assisted and our team of compassionate caregivers can help your loved one maintain their independence, call 800-949-6555 or visit us at