Fall Prevention Guide
Fall Facts
Falls are the most common cause of hospitalizations and injuries for older adults over 65. 90% of the 300,000 hip fractures and 250,000 wrist fractures per year are the result of falls. 65% of adults over 60 confess to a fear of falling and if they have fallen before, 92% of those adults fear they will fall again. Fear of falling again, or Post Fall Anxiety Syndrome, is a serious problem among older adults. It is a loss of confidence in the ability to walk safely. As many as 56% of people over 75 will restrict their activities due to fear of falling. These self-imposed limitations can lead to further functional decline, depression, feeling of helplessness and social isolation.
Most Common Risks for Falls
- Uneven terrain
- Dizziness (vertigo)
- Fainting
- Environmental hazards, e.g.,
- loose throw rugs, uneven sidewalks or high curbs, etc.
- Medications
- People taking 4 or more medications, especially sedatives, anti-anxiety medications, and anti-depressants, are higher risk for falls (NOTE: Continue to take all medications as directed by your physician.)
- Muscle weakness
- Lack of flexibility for quick responses, or an inability to correct for an unexpected loss of balance
- Poor foot care
- Poorly fitting shoes or improper footwear
- Peripheral neuropathy
- Improper use of walking aids
- Such as, walkers or canes
- Poor vision or poor lighting
- May cause a collision with something in the dark
- Parkinson’s Disease
- Alzheimer’s Disease Stroke
Downloadable Fall Prevention Guide