The Advantages of In Home Care
- Shortens hospital stay, lowering risk for nosocomial
- Verbal order can initiate care
- Home assessment
- Provides “eyes and ears” for the physician in the home
- Professional instruction by Registered Nurses to patients and their families/caregivers in self-management skills
- 24-hour on call RN coverage
- Rehabilitation services
Physicians may establish standard protocols by diagnosis or establish individualized orders for care. Visit frequency based upon physician’s assessment of patient’s needs and conditions.
- Immediate PT/INR results from patient’s home
- Home Infusion
- PICC Line, Mid-Line catheter management
- Chemotherapy
- Enteral and parenteral therapy management
- Pulse oximetry
- Enterostomal Therapy Nurse Specialists for ostomy/wound management, assessment and professional recommendations
- Indwelling urinary catheter management
- Terminal disease management
- Palliative Care Program
- Diabetic management
- Self-Administration of Medications (including injectables)
- Care of implanted ports, central lines and pumps
- IV infusion management
- Medication side effects
- Respiratory Care
- Enterostomal Specialists
- Wound/Ostomy self-care
- Signs and symptoms of wound infection
- Nutrition
- Monitoring intake and output
- Nasogastric/gastrostomy tube feedings
- Bowel/bladder programs
- Home safety precautions
- Seizure precautions
- Pain and symptom management
- Self catherization
- Diabetic instruction in disease processes
Downloadable In Home Care Guide