COVID-19 is still a serious problem, which has made many people worry and wonder about whether they should get a flu shot this year. You will find that it is more important than ever for everyone in the family, particularly the seniors, to get their flu vaccine. And if you haven’t received the flu shot yet this year, it’s not too late. While the CDC recommends getting vaccinated before the end of October, the flu vaccination is beneficial at any point the flu is circulating – even into January or later.
Why Get the Flu Vaccine?
There are a couple of related reasons you and your entire household should get the flu vaccine.
The pandemic is still very much a problem. This means that the annual flu outbreak we expect to happen each year will make the rounds while we’re still dealing with COVID-19. Doctors and other medical professionals will be busy taking care of COVID patients, in addition to their other patients. Adding flu cases on top of this will add strain to an already overwhelmed healthcare system.
Getting a flu vaccine for you and your loved ones is a way to help mitigate this problem. The flu vaccine has been shown to cut down on the risk of getting the flu by around half. This will keep more people out of the doctor’s office when the flu season starts to get underway. Not only will this help to reduce the strain on the healthcare system, but it can also help to reduce the risk of someone contracting COVID-19 because they had to go to a hospital or doctor’s office where they could come into contact with a carrier.
Worries About the Flu Season
One of the primary concerns for the flu season this year is the potential confusion with COVID-19. Both COVID and the flu have similar symptoms, and both affect the respiratory system. Because of the similarities, it will require testing to determine whether someone has COVID-19 or the flu. It also means that anyone who develops symptoms will want to do their part and isolate away from others for at least 10 days. Additionally, those who are in close contact with them may need to be isolated, as well.
This can cause even more problems with the economy if there are a large number of people who are sick with the flu and who have to isolate themselves because they aren’t sure if they could be carrying COVID.
Get Vaccinated
Everyone in the family should be vaccinated for the flu as soon as they can. It will help reduce the risk of developing the flu, reducing the strain on the healthcare system since it will prevent unnecessary visits to the hospital. The flu vaccine will not protect you against COVID, but it will help protect you from influenza. Getting the vaccine is especially important for older people, as they tend to be at a higher risk of getting COVID-19. It also tends to be more dangerous for seniors.
You can get a flu shot from a range of different places, including many pharmacies and community health centers. Find a location near you and get vaccinated today.
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